April 20, 2024

Patience ~


The Famous 2 Weeks!

 Seems everything is a 2 week wait. Even the covid started out as a 2 week quarantine. . 

Down to the final 2 weeks to closing. Most of the moving is done, many things have sold off lightening the load. Change of address under way and reservations for a mini vacation at the time of closing. Doctor appointments and surgeries begin the following week....

Still a lot to do and many 'unknowns' in the process. I was really hoping we could get him settled in before surgery, but it's not to sure at the moment. Still need a few miracles to take place and some stars to align. 

So far there have been blessings too many to count. Things happening in ways we never expected. So much has already been positive and helpful, one can't help but think this too shall work out. 

Blind Faith.

Cats are getting nervous, hanging out in the kennels more. Chanelle has taken to hoarding the cat food and hiding it under the mat in her little cave. She's pretty lost at the moment. We come and go so much, she doesn't know where we belong anymore. 

I must say he's doing pretty good at staying stable with all that's going on. These are the big changes that can make or break a person. It's a bit stressful when the answers don't all add up yet, but as I said, he's doing really well at progressing through this. 

It seems spring has finally started to arrive with chilly winds pushing winter away. A few nights of freezing temps, and plenty of sunshine during the day.... so glad it's now not previously during the cold and rain that 'moving' had to take place.

All this wraps up and ends just before Mother's Day. Not sure where I'll be that weekend. Would have been nice to see the kids before this all comes together. Cause we are not sure where either of us will end up at that point. 

For now all is normal....

Blessed by God
Life's good @ the Bright side of the Barn
thanks for stopping by
Until next time, Stay Safe and Happy Trails.

Like what you see at the Bright side of the Barn?